becoming granny..

have you watched becoming jane?. it's a movie about jane austen's love life. she fell in love with a handsome young man but the love didn't work out. anyway, i don't wanna talk about jane stuff now...

i think i'm gonna be a GRANNY in less than a kidding..i'll end up being a granny at the age of 22 if i don't 'makeover' my life!!!..when i said 'life makeover' means now!!!!!!!!!!

i'll tell you what i did today
  1. wake up at 8am, snuggling on my bed for a few hours (macam org sakit belakang yang tak leh bangun tu)
  2. pastu invited pi'e the twin and sin wee the so-called bf tipu2 to have lunch at our house
  3. started cooking at 11.15am, they came over at around 1pm. we had nasi lemak and i tried 'koreking gossip2 baru' from macik okay!!
  4. after they left, i snuggled back onto the bed, watched a few episodes of taiwanese series
  5. then, we had dinner..(makan lagik)
  6. were supposed to watch a movie in a cinema..tapi tengok tiket mahal sgt...ended up watching Sydney white on the net with anis and fiqa.

i was like macik2 kan?

i feel like a loser, i dont know is the so-called malas day for me. i dont mind if it's just once in a blue moon. the problem is everyday is like a 'malas day'..aiya..this cant go on forever....*sigh*

i should've gone shopping today..THERAPY..macam pi'e cakap,"keluar berseronok"...

hopefully tomorrow is a good sunday. i'll make sure my sunday is gonna be productive!full stop.

p/s: i had fun catching up with pi'e and sin wee though..rase cam dulu2 plak..zaman2 first year..tehehe


Anonymous said...

hahaha!!! rase cam dulu2 masa muda2? so ape paln hari ahad ni? jgn dok malas je..baru 3rd year, kang dah keja sibuk laa lagi. nak kena prepare breakfast utk anak suami lagi nanti ..HAHA!! lawok seyh!

fiqah said...

asmaa!!i rse ok je hari u...xde la nenek sgt..dpt byk new gossip kn frm pi'e ngn sinwee so agk productive la tu..heheheheheee

go asmaa go!! ^^

AA said...

hahaha..agak la fiqah...tapi rase cam macik sgt...asyik dok umah je.. pastu bosan makan..dah abes makan...bile lapar masak lagi...macik sgt neh..hehehe

ish pi'e...ko ni blum ape2 dah pikir isteri n anak2..ekekeke... amacam wei..dah konpem blum?. ;-PP

Anonymous said...

ait...lepaklaa...aku tak expexct early. ntah2 datang mase final year kan..haha. dalam temph itu wahai Pi'E bnykkanlah bersabar ye!

AA said...

iye pi'e..sabar2..ekekeek