kejiwangan melanda 2...

finally got my last month's feberet song; bila engkau jauh by shannon

THANKS TO AISYAH!!!!! you made my day...hahaha...


last night, we (anis, aisyah, and myself) were so anis's room, randomly surfing and watching asian dramas. anis and i, somehow, we swapped laptops. then, naughty anis, she accessed my facebook account and wrote to her account, "anis,...u ni cantek sgt" (something like that)...pastu aisyah found out what she was, die pun nk there was; aisyah..u terrer giler men netball, hot sangat (more or less..haha); written by 'supposedly asma'

when i found out what they were up to...our facebook war was me versus aishnis= aisyah n anis ( dua lawan satu wei..hahahaha...kitorang memang ntah paper)..i striked back saying i was blackmailed(?!!!) to write/type the previous comments bout them..and they were playing innocent..replying comments like; 'asma, why did u say that? we will always support you' , ' asma, u ni nape, ok tak?' status kept changing every 4 minutes...kejap2 cakap kene blackmail, jap2 cakap laptop kene virus aishnis,....anyway, our battles ended when we decided to have dinner..hahaha..


wawa had a peek at aisyah's comments kot..pastu die tulis; asma, tabah la..i pon sokong u gak.

habisla...mesti die ingat bukan2..oh wawa, poor innocent little thing...hahahahha


Unknown said...

mungkin i tak patut kasi u the song... its been on repeat for the past 2/3/4 days :P hahahah... kidding!