me! the pink power puff girl

what a tiring day...
today...i had to sow a spine of a cadaver and both of its legs(with ryan's and dennis's help of course, couldnt have done that without their assistence)..this was my last labour work for the project, i hope!..( yeah..i thought i've done with this dissection/prosection thing but apparently noooooooooot....)

while sowing, it occured to me that this experience was very new..yes, i've never sown before. while i was in form 2 or maybe 3, we had to do a jewellery box for our KH project and we needed to sow a few pieces of plywood,put them together (using nails/screws/screwdriver) and voila, an ugly, plain jewellery box has been created!..being a cheater (maybe cunning is more appropriate ;-P), as 'jewellery box' was made by the KH teacher and some of the male classmates, thank you very much! i luv u all..hehe

anyway, back to this sowing-dead body's legs thing, i managed to do that on my own and ryan thought me through the event. there was this feeling of achievement afterwards that made all the sweat and effort paid off..(which i didnt feel during the KH project kehkeh)....and.. i do understand that being independent and do everything (that you can do and allowed to do) are wayyyyyyyyy much satisfying than 'upah'ing other people to do it for you..oh! i feel so strong and powerful now, like blossom, the pink power puff girl!.......


Anonymous said...

haha..a surgeon in making, nanti kita wat same2 dalm op theatre bile dah keje nanti.. r u into surgery or medical?

AA said...

huh, ape tuh?..LOL

haha, tade la pi'e..tak pikir lagi nk wat ape, we'll see how it goes..tapi tanak la masok ortho, penat la asyik kene mengergaji jer..dah la tak glamer pegang gergaji..hehe

_N.Othman said...

cara korg ckp ngeri~

Anonymous said...

asma..menjahet best laaaa ..=P!!

AA said...

menjahet?!!..macam mak2 pulak rasenye...hehe

beruangbuncit said...

Huh pasni bleh la potong kaki lembu wat sup gearbox.

AA said...

haha, menarik tuh..tak pernah try lagi potong kaki lembu..nnt leh cube LOL

Anonymous said...

alohai..ape kate ko carik lembu satu kat Hyson Green, sembelih buat raya korban, lepas to ko lapah..potong lawo2 ..lepas tu gotong royong satu rumah semua buat Medic, disect leklok, maska sedap2..lepas tu jemput aku datang makan --> aku rase sure dapat 1st class- tak gitu?