my little caheed

22/02/ youngest brother was born that day..

ahh..that was 13 years ago...

it seemed like yesterday though..
i can still clearly remember him following people around, running everywhere-in the supermarket and grass field, bullying his big brothers...

he's big boy now....siap ade gepren lagik..hehe..but u'll always be my little adik ;-))
dearest caheed..i wish u all the best in ur life dunia n akhirat..may Allah bless u always and grant u happiness...
happy belated birthday!~~~


syaheed's dorkiness and funny scenes!

(when he was 4 years old, back from nursery-like kindergarten..he was fussing and complaining to our mother)

caheed: ummi, adik tanak la pegi nury (kindergarten) tu..

ummi: nape dik?

caheed: tempat tu tak best la ummi. kakak-kakak (staffs) kat situ tak cantik, pastu cikgu layan adik macam budak kecik je. dia suruh semua orang tidur mase tengah hari, pastu mase senam..cikgu suruh guling-guling..macam budak kecik la ummi..

(at the age of 6, he wanted to be circumcised together with his 2 elder brothers and a relative)

relative: caheed, camne?sakit tak?

caheed: tak langsung! doktor guna gunting kecik sebab aku kecik lagi. tapi ko dah besar, mungkin ko akan rasa sakit sebab nanti doktor mesti gune gunting lagi besar!

~~the relative was 9 and both of them did not even have a tiniest idea about anaesthetics!haha~~

(at night, after the circumcision-when the anaesthetical effect had dissapeared)

caheed: semua orang penipuuuuu!!! (screaming, crying and throwing tantrums, not allowing anyone to cajole him except for ummi)

ummi: sabarla sayang..cube tidur..mesti tak sakit nanti..

caheed: semua orang tipu adik..kate sakit macam kene gigit ngn semut je..tapi ni sakit macam kena gigit dengan semut juta-juta.

~~we felt sorry for him but couldn't stop laughing~~

(when he was 8-years-old (if i'm not mistaken), he was a bit sad after getting his result)

ayah: adik dapat result hari ni kan?

caheed: adik dapat nombor sebelas..(whispering slowly)

ayah: ha! bagusla!!..orang lain dapat satu je nombor satu..adik dapat dua sekaligus! (sebelas=11=satu satu)

...and caheed was back to his normal self--->naughty, cheeky, and mischievous~~ (iye2 je adik ni..pekse darjah due je pun hehe)