Bila weekend tiba...
Daily Reminder
today, i was told by an ENT consultant to work harder..many many times..
susah untuk dimengerti..
so..sekarang ni..I..
- kesejukan & kelaparan (mr. heater, you are not powerful enough!)
- keletihan & kemengantukan (attended clinic 8.45am - 5pm)
- kesepian & kesunyian ( me!!)
in conclusion
AA is in dire need of food, heat, sleep, and human contact!
k..roger and out!
p/s: ops..just for the record- when i said i'm lonely and in need of human contact..i meant family, friends, and housemates..bukan anasir2 lain...blergh..
p/s/s: ala...kabel tak bawak..tak leh tunjuk gambar snowing kat mansfield..
..korang tengok gambar ni la dulu..wee~~~
Anis suka..
hoh scandal?
ampun..anis...jangan marah kalau terbace entry ni..hihi..
Brother Ibrahim ni salah sorang pemuda islam yang menyertai konvoi viva palestine. viva palestine ni pulak ditubuhkan oleh beberapa orang yang prihatin (termasuklah si brother Ibrahim ni) terhadap kesulitan orang-orang di palestine yang tidak mendapat bekalan ubat-ubatan secukupnya. Jadi, dorang amik keputusan untuk kutip derma di seluruh UK dan beli ubat-ubatan dan barang keperluan lain. lepas agak2 dah banyak dapat derma, dorang pun konvoi dengan van bersama barang2 bantuan untuk ke Palestine melalui Jordan dan Mesir.
apa bezanya brother Ibrahim(yang si anis ni suka sangat) dengan ahli2 viva palestine yang lain?
sampai je kat Mesir, dorang terpaksa 'deal' dengan karenah2 birokrasi Mesir yang tak bagi dorang konvoi melalui Mesir..ntah la..yang ni AA pun tak faham nape..dah la negara Islam, dah la dorang2 yang kat Mesir ni tak nak tolong orang2 palestine..pastu..dah ada orang lain yang nak tolong ni..dorang tak bagi plak..memang ntah pape..
sepanjang perjalanan melalui Mesir..ahli2 viva palestine ni ditahan dan disoal setiap kali checkpint sekatan jalan..lepas tu pulak..ade barang2 bantuan yang mereka bawa dirampas..ish tak logik sungguh
walaubagaimanapun..akhirnya pemuda2 berani ini sampai juga ke sempadan antara Mesir dan palestine..tapi masalahnya..tentera/polis bersenapang yang dok jaga sempadan ni tak nak bagi diorang lalu. siap acah nak tembak lagi..
waktu ni Ibrahim yang berasal dari Scotland ni tampil ke hadapan..dengan hati yang teguh dan yakin dengan pertolongan dari Allah serta bersenjatakan lidah, beliau dengan lantang memberi ucapan di hadapan tentera Mesir yang bersenjata ini. beliau menyelar mereka2 yang tidak sanggup membantu saudara2 di palestine dan merayu serta cuba menyakinkan pasukan bersenjata bahawa mereka tidak ada niat lain selain hanya ingin membantu saudara2 di palestine, demi Allah.
ikuti ucapan ringkas dari brother Ibrahim di bawah..sangat menyentuh hati:
"dari hati saya kepada hati kamu" -------->quote yang sangat digemari Anis..
oh ye..kami jumpe brother Ibrahim waktu palestine conference minggu lepas. waktu ni Anis memang gembira bukan kepalang. dapat gak berjumpa dengan idola dia, selalu tengok kat youtube aje..heh..semasa bengkel viva palestine, brother Ibrahim banyak cerita tentang pengalaman semasa di palestine..kalau ada yang berminat nak tahu..nnt AA cerita di entry2 lain..tapi memang menyayat hati..
p/s: anis memang suka brother Ibrahim ni tapi tade la suka yang macam nak kawen tu.. ni suka sebab hormat dan memandang tinggi terhadap beliau..lagipun beliau sudah kahwin agaga..dah ade anak pun...
Sempena meraikan 4 biji jerawat yang baru bertapak pagi tadi, yess!! I will post an entry about acne, the so-called jerawat..hehe
A few facts regarding acne
- it affects 85% of people between the ages of 12-24 (hoh..ramai tu!)
- onset usually at puberty (bila baligh)
- kalau ikut sexes, remaja laki lebih ramai yang dapat jerawat ni tapi kebanyakannya (remaja laki..chewah..pelik pulak type remaja laki hehe) pulih (atau jerawat hilang) by late teens or 20s
- 30% perempuan dan 1% lelaki masih mempunyai masalah jerawat sehingga berumur 25 tahun dan yang paling tak best - 10% of the affected women may continue to have acne problems up until they reach 40's
the picture below shows the most common type of acne - black/white heads ataupun nama saintifiknya - open/closed comedones (lepas ni kalau orang tanye boleh cakap, "what, these?..oh, they are just comedones" bestkan?..hehehhe) what causes acne?
- poor hygiene
- chocolates (oh no!!!)
- fatty foods a.k.a nasi lomak, french fries, ayam gorem kfc yadayadayada..
TIDAK..TIDAK..SAMA SEKALI TIDAK. The 3 points above DO NOT cause acne...i saje je wat drama..hehe.mereka hanyalah mitos belaka (fuh, lega!), disebar oleh golongan2 yang dengki dengan orang cantik yang suka makan coklat dan makanan berlemak muahahaha..
Yang sebenarnya, dragon ball ade 7 biji tak..acne is caused by an increase in the sebum excretion rate resulting in the abnormalities in follicular keratinisation and desquamation. this area of follicle is then colonised by bacteria called Proprionibacterium acne causing inflammation.
The inflammatory lesions can be erythematous papules (biji2 merah), pustules (biji2 bernanah), nodules (biji besar merah, berdarah atau bernanah), cysts (ape malay translation die ek?) and abcesses (ni pun i tak pasti bm nye translation, gomenassai..)
Biasenya, acne resolve by themselves, with a few exceptions in which severe ones do need intervention and medical treatment. some examples of bad acnes can be viewed in the photos below:ni gambar jerawat2 merah (erythematous) yang ada nanah sekali. blackheads can also be seen all over the face.
ini pula kes jerawat yang parah dan memerlukan rawatan intensif (kes berat ni..kalau kat UK ni, budak laki yang ade jerawat camni siap boleh bunuh diri tau..due to depression and very low self-esteem).
the above and the last picture shows a woman with acne scars.
How do we treat acne
- retinoids (eg: isotretinoin, adapelene)
- antibacterials (eg: benzoyl peroxide)
- antibiotics (eg: erythromycin)
but bear in mind that these drugs have side effects and some of them are even teratogenic (teratogenic=able to disrupt the growth and development of an embryo or fetus) so one must seek medical advice from doctors before commencing treatment. in addition, avoiding factors which aggravate acne will also help such as:
- occlusive cosmetics
- hair products
- heat/humidity (patutla ramai org ade jerawat kat malaysia termasuk saya..huhu)
- excessive washings
ok tu je..hope it helps!
p/s: gambar2 di atas bukan diambil dari jerawat AA. Sekian, terima kasih =p
palestine conference
yesterday, 13/02, me, fiqa, and anis went to Manchester to attend Palestine Conference which were organised by FOSIS and Manchester's ISOC. thumbs up to them for organising a very interesting and informative programme. the conference started at 11am and finished at around 7pm.
a number of famous, great speakers such as Dr. Azzam Tamimi, Idris Taufiq, Dr. Daud Abdullah and many more were invited to the conference and they had enlighten us with a lot of information on the occupation of Israel, the history of palestine and its current potical turmoil.
we also got the chance to meet the three moslem brothers who joined 'viva palestine' and listened to their bittersweet journey to West Bank Gaza in order to escort and give the aid (medicines, money, and food) to the palestinians, mashaAllah!.
overall, it was a very fruitful event. listening to the stories of our borthers and sisters' suffering made my heart ached all over - rasa sangat insaf dengan diri sendiri!
oh Allah, the greatest savior, engkau selamatkan dan bantulah saudara-saudara kami di sana, ameen...
p/s: di saat saudara-saudara kita kat palestine dibunuh, dibom, dan dihalau dari kediaman mereka...apa yang kita sedang buat? apa sedang kita risaukan? - duit tak masuk lagi? esok nak pakai baju apa? bila nak dapat boyfriend?.hmmm.......
there's just too much food in my fridge
fyi, i'm in mansfield at the moment
doing special modules which include ophthalmology, dermatology, and ENT
this week is not as lonely as last week
since i managed to meet couple of friends
and just sort of hang out together
and oh..i've got a new flatmate too
she's a girl..thank goodness..
not that i don't believe in guy medics..
it's just that it would be too uncomfortable wearing 'tudung' 24/7
especially while cooking (not that i love cooking whatsoever..ngeh)
last night, i invited A and E (not the A&E as in Accidents and Emergency LOL) for dinner
we had rice, salmon curry, and cheese cake
it was fun!
the get-together-catching-up-stories-plus-dinner went on and on for hours
spent quite some time gossiping too..haha (typical girls!)
so yeah..i didn't manage to do any revision that night
T must have thought that i am such a lazy girl (it's a FACT indeed hoho)
that wasn't the main concern..
being the pettite, skinny, slim, blablabla girls as we are
our food consumption was so little that we ended up having lots of leftovers
i decided to pack some for a known neighbour..
and last night was settled.
this evening, i had another social dinner with a different crowd
so me and Am cooked chicken rice together
she also bought a big bottle of pepsi and a massive fruit pie (how nice of her!)
there was 4 of us including my new flatmate, N
and again we spent hours talking, gossiping, and pitying our lives as medical students (ignore the last 6 words)
and i didn't do any work either since i watched 3 episodes of glee afterwads
but again, that wasn't the main issue
the problem is.........
i've got more leftovers today!
so i just packed everything and loaded them into the fridge
in conclusion, apart from:
- bread
- juice
- pears
- grapes
- cheese
- butter
- tomatoes
- cucumber
- lettuce
- peas
- sausages
- milk
which were already in my fridge since two days,..i also have cheese cake and curry from yesterday, today's pepsi, chicken rice, and fruit pie - all stacked in the fridge!
how am i gonna finish everything alone?
the black monday
tomorrow..yes..tomorrow is THE BLACK MONDAY
- need to go back to mansfield - bosan dow...tenet boradband lembap kat sane..
- i owe a presentation (haven't done anything about it..not a tiniest bit) and 3 e-lectures
- haven't done any dermato maccs..tomorrow will be the first day of the last/final week for dermatology
- err..did i tell you that i need to attend dermato clinics?..yes..and it's in mansfield
main concern is.........
to be honest..
i don't really hate least not every monday in a year..i do like a few mondays..especially when:
- it was the first monday of holiday break
- it was the monday when i was in Malaysia
- it was the monday that i skipped lectures/classes/clinics just to get some sleep
- it was the monday when i was't happen to be in the UK
i don't really have any grudges towards monday ;-p
was i born on monday?
p/s: daddy, where art thou? havent called me this week..or have u?..the thursday you called..was it this week or the previous..hoh..anakmu ini dah tue!~~