ber'weekend' di kota keriangan

Last friday, housemates(except for aisyah), fiqah(ahli rumah ke-7 ;-p) and myself went to London by train. we spent 2 nights in london (courtesy of azie and aunty fatimah *wink*)...

we arrived in london at eleven-ish at night, azie picked us up at london's train station and we headed straight to azie's place which is located in edgware road. that night, we slept late, gossiping with azie and nusrah, updating each other with hot news in both london and nottingham..hahaahaha...

the next day, our never-ending outing started with azie as our lovely 'tourist guide'. we went to portobello market and had lunch in malaysian student department's cafe (MSD london).i've been to london a few times before but never had a chance to visit MSD london.. thanx to Azie, we had the opportunity to eat malaysian food(dimasak oleh orang utara) was really superb!...(kami menjerit keriangan melihatkan lauk-pauk yang bermacam rupe, nasi kerabu pun ada!)

hmm..ape lagi ek?..

owh yes, we also went to trafalgar square and harrods. surprisingly, i didn't buy anything this time around..aha!

we wanted to watch 'wicked' initially but the tickets sold out (the play has been showing for yeaaarss,and tickets were still sold out?!can u imagine?)..anyway, not giving up, we headed to leicester square in the quest for cheap-but- interesting-other-than-wicked tickets. we ended up watching 'blood brother' with maryam and azie not joining us. regardless the change in plan, i'd have to say that we did'nt regret it at all as the play was really really good!..the actors were brilliant especially the female lead.

the show ended at half past ten,then we took tube to azie's place..the funny thing was, when we arrived and called azie to open the door, she said they're already in aunty fatimah's (a.k.a irina's mother) rented apartment. apparently, azie, maryam, irina, and fairuz already took our belogings and put them in aunty's, we went to the apartment which is located in king's cross st(i think)..the apartment was really amazing with the view of hyde's really2 nice!..aunty, thank you for letting us to stay in ur lovely accommodation!

we came back to nottingham the next day(sunday).

london is a very lovely..ops LIVELY city indeed. however, i'm glad that i chose to study in nottingham over london's QM. dont think that i could afford to live in this expensive city. plus, it's way too crowded. and i am grateful for what i already have.

me! the pink power puff girl

what a tiring day...
today...i had to sow a spine of a cadaver and both of its legs(with ryan's and dennis's help of course, couldnt have done that without their assistence)..this was my last labour work for the project, i hope!..( yeah..i thought i've done with this dissection/prosection thing but apparently noooooooooot....)

while sowing, it occured to me that this experience was very new..yes, i've never sown before. while i was in form 2 or maybe 3, we had to do a jewellery box for our KH project and we needed to sow a few pieces of plywood,put them together (using nails/screws/screwdriver) and voila, an ugly, plain jewellery box has been created!..being a cheater (maybe cunning is more appropriate ;-P), as 'jewellery box' was made by the KH teacher and some of the male classmates, thank you very much! i luv u all..hehe

anyway, back to this sowing-dead body's legs thing, i managed to do that on my own and ryan thought me through the event. there was this feeling of achievement afterwards that made all the sweat and effort paid off..(which i didnt feel during the KH project kehkeh)....and.. i do understand that being independent and do everything (that you can do and allowed to do) are wayyyyyyyyy much satisfying than 'upah'ing other people to do it for you..oh! i feel so strong and powerful now, like blossom, the pink power puff girl!.......

Encik Lepitope

benci tapi mahu...ish...geram tapi perlu...ish..tanpamu siapla aku...
bile tgh seronot2..kamu suke je kat aku..
bile aku sewius ni..kamu tanak le pulak bersamaku

tapi sekarang..aku sangat le marah...
ish...ish..aku laser ultraman kang kat kepala hang!!...ish..ish

kejiwangan melanda 3...(buat chaletmates)

sahabat sejatiku

........kita selalu berpendapat kita ini yang terhebat

kegemilangan di masa muda yang indah


pegang pundakku jangan pernah lepaskan

bila ku mulai lelah dan tak bersinar

remas sayapku jangan pernah lepaskan

bila ku ingin terbang meningalkanmu.............
rase cam baru semalam kite tinggalkan hari2 di kolej..orang cakap, 2 taun tu lame..tapi kite rase kejap je kan?..pastu sume bawak diri dan haluan masing2..
2 tahun kat kolej, 'catfights', masam muke..biase la..tapi tak sebanyak kite bergelak ketawa, tak sebanyak perkara2 bodoh yang kite wat, tak sebnyak kesengalan alin, tak sebanyak kenakalan nor, tak sebanyak kejiwangan fifah, tak sebanyak lawak bodoh aku yang tak tak?hehe
kadang2 tergelak sendiri teringatkan petition chalet o7 (thanks to the all residents in kampung seberang and others ;-p), incident 'chalet tersumbat dan kesumbatan' hehe, bbq tanpa permit, dan bnyak lagi la...
berape kali eh kite kene panggil ngn puan ROG a.k.a cikgu disiplin..?
thanks to our 'liar club pres'; wujudla kes hilang kasut adidas, tepon tangan, basikal (jangan tak percaya, basikal pun leh kene curik kat dalam kawasan kampung seberang tuh haha) di hari jadi...kehkeh..aku yang innocent di mase itu pun betambah level kenakalannye(and again, thanks to the pres)... hehehe
bile ari sekolah jer, ade je yang berebut toilet, tak mandi kehkeh, ponteng kelas..aku yang paling tak suke gosok baju kurong untuk ke kelas...kadang selamba je pakai baju kurung berkedut seribu gi kelas..ada plak yang pantang kuar, mesti nk iron berkali2 hehe...
bile petang, alin kuar gi main..die main segala jenis sukan yang ade kat kolej tuh, memang sport all rounder laaa..nor plak melalak takpun tengok cite takpun dengar lagu kat lam bilik..fifa plak sibuk cuci baju takpun tido takpun men netball..aku?..SEBOK STUDY!muahahahhahaa
bile weekends plak, nor kaki balik, aku n fifa kaki outing, alin plak kaki chalet...tapi paling penting petang ahad, dekat2 maghrib tu..sume dah ade kat chalet kan?!

hmmmm...missing the good old days....~~~

p/s: credits to hajare for her brilliant pic...kalo dah malas jadik cikgu nnt leh jadik photographer ye hajare...

ex-chaletmates' weekend escapade

alin and fifah came to nottingham. i took 2 days off hehehe...Norehan, dont be dak??

fifah, myself and a self-timer camera....venue: millenium garden, uni

piramid yang tak berapa jadi..with housemates (and of course, plus alin and fifah)... venue: 36 besston road

can u feel the luv?..fifah and i...nampak tak menara kecik kat belakang tu?..tu la kebanggaan uni ni..trent building kehkeh..pastu kat pagar belakang kitorang..yang nampak putih2 tuh,...bukan salji....tapi.............burung nyer tuuut...

balik dari tengok muvie..cite ape?..MAX TAH PAPER...tapi seronot sebab dorang ade... hehe. venue: town
irina pon aderrrrrrrrr.......................
memang best dorang datang........nnt alin dah nak balik mesia....sedey...iA, panjang umur jumpe lagi.
p/s: entry ni memang khas untuk nor..muahahaha

makeover! in the making

yes..yes..when i realised that i am becoming more and more like a granny, i decided to do a makeover..act, it's not really a makeover..more of making myself to utilise resources (time, money, work, friends ehehe...etc) and becoming more productive..rather than lying on my bed, staring at the ceiling 24/7...

having said that, right after the oh-not-so-nice i.e damn hard REM paper, i straight away went to! a.k.a asma's ultimate relaxation therapy...bought a ROXY JACKET..yeay2!!

i came back at around 6pm..then, housemates (excluding irina, maryam, suraiya), myself, fiqa, pi'e, wawa, faz, sin wee, duo ying, alifah, and fiqry went out for dinner at big wok

pic above: me eating the tallest ice-cream ever...haha..saje nk lawan fiqry, konpem fiqry tak leh lawan ketinggian ice cream di atas walaupun die menang title 'makan paling bnyak' kehkeh

outside the restaurant...from left: wawa, fiqa, alifah, duo ying, faz, myself (note the new green jacket bought earlier kehkeh), anis, pi'e. at the back: fiqry

this pic was taken after the dinner..(gaye melekat di dinding)...time kasih la pi'e..terpaksa tahan ngn kitorang yang memang camera addicts nih......

i really had fun!..cant wait for ex-chaletmates from ireland to come over tomorrow...nnt bleh gi enjoy lagik..haha


since fiqa has already explained about this tagging-chain thing..hehe..kene la wat gak..( malu sendiri bile teringat betapa bodohnye soklan ku kepada fiqa pasal tag2 nih..)

anyway, 7 things about we go

1. i love EATING!...i have big appetite for a size 8 girl..hehe, thankfully, i didnt gain weight weight-watching is never a problem.

evidence: i still remember when we (nott's malaysian medics) went out for a buffet dinner, there was this senior( rahasia), he was so awed with my eating ability..he said, "i've never met a small girl who can eat so much! was that ur 6th round already(referring to my plate of noodle)?"...ouch ok!..hehe..but yeah..nothing can stop me from eating..ermmm..maybe handsome guys can cos i tend to be very reserved, very polite in front of handsome guys..ahaks

explanation: i was and am still brought up by a man who loves to eat and cook...MY FATHER!!! mase kecik2 dulu...asal mengamuk n merajuk jer..mesti tanak makan (konon protes la..hehee) pastu ayah mesti cakap..."kalo tak makan sebelum pukul am/pm, aku tak mengaku anak, jgn mintak ape2 lagi ngn ayah!..."..mase kecik2 kene gertak, bile dah besar kalo tanak makan, ayah mesti merajuk..kalo ayah merajuk,nanti sampai 4 hari pon die ungkit kisah silam betapa susahnye hidup zaman dulu2..aish,memang tak bes ;-p ... LUV IM

2. shopping is my second fav hobby..maybe window shopping is more appropriate hehe

evidence: can ask anyone who knows me ;-p..dear friends, am i shopaholic?..mungkin tu dulu.. skang ni dah tak kot...dok hibernate je kat umah..


3. some people said i'm a happy-go-lucky person..but i just think that i can hide my problems really well..i rarely show my true feelings/emotions..and i like being tough,err i guess....

evidence:..this is just what people say and think...this evident is not verified...hoho

explanation: no comment

4. up until now, 2003 remained the toughest year in my life

evidence: not available

explanation: this was the year when i lost my other half, my love, my everything...i was like a stray cat, lost...( that kind of feeling is really2 NOT NICE...tak yah la cite lebih2, nnt terbuai2 lak) yeah..i didnt like that year..but deep inside my heart, i know, Allah will not give something that i cannot bear..

5. i always want to meet takuya kimura and marry him...muahahahahaahaha

evidence: be it long vacation, beautiful life,pride, change..u can ask me everything about his drama.. EVERYTHING!...mase form 2 dulu siap gi pinjam buku jepun-english kat pustaka sekolah, belajar sebut name dalam bahase jepun..kot2 terjumpe ngn kimutaku..

'atashi no namae wa asma desu' *peace*

explanation: makin lame, makin tue, makin matang..makin kurang la 'kegatalan' terhadap kimutaku...tapi...erm just in takuya: if ur wife dump u, pls come and see me, then we could get married!!

6. i like pink. do not fancy blue colour.

evidence & explanation: not available

7. i have to sleep at least 8 hours per day!

explanation: i cannot function properly without my 8-hour sleep...but it doesnt have to be consecutive..hehe..orang slalu tanye..nnt bile keje, on calls,camne?..haah..camne eh?..tape2..i'll deal with that by one..step by step....!


i guess that's all...hehe, tibe2 teringat kat hannah montana yang nyanyi 7 things tuh.

as for tagging-link thing, i'll leave it for while. will update this entry when i decide whom to tag after this..hehe

p/s: to 3rd year medics in notts,..esp housemates, gud luck in REM's tomorrow aite? hehe

becoming granny..

have you watched becoming jane?. it's a movie about jane austen's love life. she fell in love with a handsome young man but the love didn't work out. anyway, i don't wanna talk about jane stuff now...

i think i'm gonna be a GRANNY in less than a kidding..i'll end up being a granny at the age of 22 if i don't 'makeover' my life!!!..when i said 'life makeover' means now!!!!!!!!!!

i'll tell you what i did today
  1. wake up at 8am, snuggling on my bed for a few hours (macam org sakit belakang yang tak leh bangun tu)
  2. pastu invited pi'e the twin and sin wee the so-called bf tipu2 to have lunch at our house
  3. started cooking at 11.15am, they came over at around 1pm. we had nasi lemak and i tried 'koreking gossip2 baru' from macik okay!!
  4. after they left, i snuggled back onto the bed, watched a few episodes of taiwanese series
  5. then, we had dinner..(makan lagik)
  6. were supposed to watch a movie in a cinema..tapi tengok tiket mahal sgt...ended up watching Sydney white on the net with anis and fiqa.

i was like macik2 kan?

i feel like a loser, i dont know is the so-called malas day for me. i dont mind if it's just once in a blue moon. the problem is everyday is like a 'malas day'..aiya..this cant go on forever....*sigh*

i should've gone shopping today..THERAPY..macam pi'e cakap,"keluar berseronok"...

hopefully tomorrow is a good sunday. i'll make sure my sunday is gonna be productive!full stop.

p/s: i had fun catching up with pi'e and sin wee though..rase cam dulu2 plak..zaman2 first year..tehehe

inspiring adverts

came across the latest petronas advertisement..I'm always amazed how people can inspire others through this medium..the most interesting thing about petronas advert is it touches the bottom of one's heart.. anyway, below is the link to the ad:


p/s: i wept when i watched it first time..but i wept every time i watched the other petronas ad featuring adflin shauki...i really2 like that one!

today's news..

YEAY..YEAY!!!!! dear little, very little brother has gotten so big, so macho, so clever...

p/s: baru bangun tido..mamai...dapat msg caheed dpt 5a...

another good news...
i'm about to finish with my dissection/prosection stuff..yeay!!

we did it!...mission accomplished

5.30 pm, wed
it's our(irina n myself) turn to cook..went to the kitchen...

irina: eh, kite ade nenas..3 bijik

myself: haah la...jom buat gulai nenas..(bajet pandai jer..)

irina: aku rase cam nk makan pajeri nenas..nenek aku buat aritu sedap giler (nenek pulak..tgh rindu la tuh..)

myself: hmm..aku tak gheti nk wat mende alah tuh..ko?

irina: aku pon tak reti! (tersengih..)

then, we decided to refer to our sifu

sejam kemudian,

myself: na..nenek ko buat camni ke?..(ragu-ragu)..nenek ko letak santan tak?..nape resepi ni tak letak santan..aku rase nenek aku letak santan..(gaye tanak kalah dalam pertandingan 'nene kate')

irina: (dengan tegas dan berkalibernye..) ye!aku yakin nenek aku tak letak santan!

myself: ok!..aku percayakan ko!..(gaye berlagak kaliber gak)

sejam setengah kemudian.......
irina: asma, aku rase jadik la pajeri kite ni...kaler cam dah kene ni..hehe (tersengih dengan gembiranye)

myself: iye?!!..yeay!! bestnye..aku rase kite best la..

irina: haah..aku rase kite best gile!!


finally, we finished cooking at 7pm and everyone loved our pajeri nenas..(at least that's what they said ;-p)
yes, mission accomplished! thanx irina..i luv you...

shopping spree

i love winter!
not because of the weather or the snow can always find excuses to go shopping during this season..

"i need to get bubbles for winter"
"my layering is not enaugh"
"i cant bear walking in the cold"
"i havent got a pair of long john".....

these kinds of statements always come up during winter and then, without realising, you would end up wandering around the shops, looking for new winter coats, new boots, new thick stockings etc2..hmm..pastukan..dah alang2 kuar dan bazirkan 3 pounds untuk bas tiket,
you would shop till you drop..(it's true!! least for me ;-p)

and the best thing about shopping during winter is.... you have a BOXING DAY!!!
it's usually on the 27/28th of december. during this day, most of the shops and large retailers will reduce their item prices up to 70% and the shops open as early as 5 am and closes at 8pm (shops open between 10am-5pm normally)..amazing!!!

looking forward to this year boxing day!

p/s: anis and myself just bought new gorgeous boots for ourselves yesterday..hahaha

kejiwangan melanda 2...

finally got my last month's feberet song; bila engkau jauh by shannon

THANKS TO AISYAH!!!!! you made my day...hahaha...


last night, we (anis, aisyah, and myself) were so anis's room, randomly surfing and watching asian dramas. anis and i, somehow, we swapped laptops. then, naughty anis, she accessed my facebook account and wrote to her account, "anis,...u ni cantek sgt" (something like that)...pastu aisyah found out what she was, die pun nk there was; aisyah..u terrer giler men netball, hot sangat (more or less..haha); written by 'supposedly asma'

when i found out what they were up to...our facebook war was me versus aishnis= aisyah n anis ( dua lawan satu wei..hahahaha...kitorang memang ntah paper)..i striked back saying i was blackmailed(?!!!) to write/type the previous comments bout them..and they were playing innocent..replying comments like; 'asma, why did u say that? we will always support you' , ' asma, u ni nape, ok tak?' status kept changing every 4 minutes...kejap2 cakap kene blackmail, jap2 cakap laptop kene virus aishnis,....anyway, our battles ended when we decided to have dinner..hahaha..


wawa had a peek at aisyah's comments kot..pastu die tulis; asma, tabah la..i pon sokong u gak.

habisla...mesti die ingat bukan2..oh wawa, poor innocent little thing...hahahahha

notti-notti games..

bestnye notts games semalam..meriah! bombastic!

resenye taun ni nyer yang paling best kot sbb sume orang sgt sporting bekerja n tolong menolong....kire lagik sistematik la dari taun2 sebelum...(bunyi taun2 sebelum tuh cam dah tue sngat jer...)..act, ni taun ketiga aku experience notts game kat bumi nottingham...

ade gak la jumpe kawan2..tapi tak seramai mase first year..mungkin sume owam dah sibuk ngn final year (for some) and clinicals kot..

tapi yang paling best pasal notts games ni..bukan mainan n matches je..tapi..jeng..jeng..jeng

MALAYSIAN FOOD FESTIVAL..memang macam2 ada...biasenye penjual terdiri daripada keluarga2 postgrads dan groups pf undergrads yang reti masak n masak sedap..

laksa penang ada, pelbagai jenis nasi lemak ada(nasi lemak sambal kerang pon ado woi...ish2), kuih-muih ada...air cendol ade, sate, nasi ayam, rendang...uish..memang macam2..kecur liur teringat pasal makanan2 semalam..

cakap pasal ramai yang datang, jumpe ngn norehan, hajare, linda dan ramai lagi (btw, norehan semakin poyo skaang..linda plak cakap nk tido kat notts tapi tak..ish22)...apelagi..bile dah jumpe tuh..memang riuh la..macam2 citer kuar tapi aku nk type balik response owam pasal status aku yang single ini..:

hajare: ko dah single, bagus la..aku pon single

yana pau: single?!!!bia btul?...nape wei?(ekspresi muke yang cam tahan kentut, mungkin sebab concern)

batu: single?..cite la sket..tapi batu tak leh masuk line nanti orang len cakap batu la penyebab...(yang ni memang apekah tahap cipan)

salam: asma!! ko dah ade bf baru ke blum? (ni tahpape sbb cakap yang cam gune mike kat lam bas yang cam sardin)

dan bnyak lagi ler...
tapi, yang pentingnye..notts games semalam memang best...!!!

p/s: sume dialog di atas direkod semalam, semase notts games tgh berlansung..

notts games

today is like a festive's nottingham games!!!the most awaited event in nottingham. basically it's an event which is organized by nottingham malaysian society involving games like football, netball, snooker, chess, table tennis and so on. malaysian students in all over UK come to compete in the games. we even received contiguents from malysian students in ireland and other neighbouring country. now, can u imagine how big it is?

as for now, i have to get ready since i'll be volunteering in the games. anis and irina already left whilst maryam is taking shower.both maryam and myself will take care of volunteers and nottingham players' food (we catered the food of course!! hahaha...not that we dont know how to cook, but it's for 300 people for god sake!!!..). aisyah and suraiya will be playing netball..

will keep u updated...

kejiwangan melanda

tak leh tido...bosan..perlu tidur..tapi tak leh..dengar sayup2 suare aisyah kat bilik sebelah...tgh bercalling-calling agaknye...

dok sorang2 lam bilik pastu tepikir..ape la ayah,teh,along,capik,camim,caheed tgh wat kat mesia...bosan..bosan..dan bosan...

2 minggu lagik ade exam..tapi tanak bace lagik...

bosan..bosan..dan bosan..

tibe2 teringat concert teringat lagu simple plan wat khas ntuk budak2 nottingham..tengok video die jap..hai tahpaper la aku ni...


came back home at around 3 pm..was rushing to the tv..(hell yeah, our new flat screen tv), switched it on, tried to navigate the channels but to no avail...

damn, i think it's bacause we havent paid last month's proveider bill...haish...i want my gilmore girls episodes...

oh well, ended up writing and submitting posts instead..haha

p/s: cepatla balik wahai housemates sekalian.....

the new america..

ni mesti sume orang dah tau pasal ape...haha..obama menang piliharaye AS. ramai orang cakap this is not about obama himself winning an election, it's about the new direction on US future.

semalam tengok le obama's winning speech kat

what a crowd!!..beribu2 orang bersorak gembira, nampak jugak Oprah Winfrey, (mengesat2 ayer mate walaupun cube bersembunyi disebalik bahu lelaki gagah, batang hidungmu tetap ku kenal). daripada ape yang aku nampak, obama nye penyokong, bukan hanye dari golongan tue2 bangka dan aristokrat tapi golongan muda mudi gak. bagusla...after all, politic is not just for those old, conservative people, but we, the future leaders of the world have to involve in this matter, try to make this world a better place to live..ini tak, dok bagi culprits and zionis memerintah sesuke hati...harap2 lepas ni ade la sedikit perubahan kalaupun tak bnyak..insyaAllah..

p/s: penulis sendiri adalah seseorang yang tatau langsung pasal politik ;-P

series of unfortunate events..

Because you had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around...

yeah, just like lyrics, i had a bad day..ops, not just a bad day but a few bad days.
here is the list of my series of unfortunate events:

1. laptop crashed. woke up one morning, ran an anti virus scan, and then suddenly voila..all my documents are lost.apparently the documents are 'hacked by debugger'.yes, yes..i had back up on aisyah's external but not my power point project work

2. later that morning, sad state but determined. did 2 new slides consisting dissection pictures, using anis's laptop. the editing, colouring of each vessel and nerve, and so on took a day..can you imagine? a whole-day-worth 2 slides. tired and filled with stupidity, forgot to save it on anis's laptop and aisyah's external, saved in a pendrive instead. the next morning, woke up from bed, unknowingly and stupidly turned on own laptop, plugged in the pendrive,tried to open the whole-day-worth slides...jengjeng..'hacked by debugger' came instead..dammit..
sad square state

3. sent own laptop to abang hisham for reformatting. did the power point thingy again with anis's laptop, super determined this time. managed to do 5 slides (yeay..) and saved them properly.

think this is the happy ending of my series of unfortunate events?..

NO-NO.....absolutely not at all and here is the climax

this morning, woke up early with fighting spirit...went to class and then dissection room. spent 6 hours dissecting the posterior region of buttock and thigh. during the last 2 hours, tibe2:

myself: oh no! (half screaming)..oh my god..(holding the scalpel, lips wide open, speechless)

collegue: why? what is it Nur? (surprised and concerned, approaching my table)

myself: oh lord, i actually dissected the buttock. this right buttock was supposed to be superficial prosection, not the deep one.

collegue: oh nooo...u poor thing...


there you go, my worst unfortunate event of all. a week and half were wasted dissecting the wrong buttock just like that.argh!!!!!

ryan, the dissection room technician a.k.a anatomy demonstrator came in. i quickly explained the situation. he looked surprised and when he saw my deadly expression, he smiled.

ryan: relax, this is not the end of the world. you can do a superficial dissection on the anterior and deep on the posterior

myself: no, i dont want that. i wont be able to show the hip joint globally then.. (both of us tried to think of a solution, then, it was i..)
does this look superficial to you?(holding the the deep posterior prosection, looking mischievously)

ryan: hurm..not really

myself: but, if i go deeper to the other side, then this will look superficial. after all, the muscles are preety much intact, and i havent removed any of them. whaddaya think?

ryan: hm..i suppose...yeah, i think you can do that..yes, definitely.

end of story. this is not so bad anyway..hehe

oo Allah, please guide me...

huarghh..laptop went crazy

naik gile rasenye ngn laptop ni...tatau la ape masalh die..tensennye...tgh sebok2 ngn projek n notts game,s mase ni la die nk wat hal..u know what, i lost all my documents in words, power it all first year's documents to the third, everything were apparently removed due to virus..what the h***?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
takkan la kat word doc. pun ade virus...

luckily, i did some backup by using aisyah's hard disc, she is reallly my saviour.. but still, i dun really know what to do with my am i suppose to do my project in the future?..what if the same thing happen again?..oh my goodness, i really am damsel in distress...need to ask abang hisham for help, sin wee cam sibuk sangat dah...
ooo Allah...please..please help me............(wailing..huhuu)

huh, sekarang rase sgt2 nk bli laptop baru...takpun beli komputer terus..lame lagi nk dudok kat bumi nottingham ni..baru mantap sket..nnt la gi usha komputer...huhu

a visit to Bath

last saturday, animated anis (my dear housemate), myself, and 39 other malaysian girls went to Bath by a chartered bus. the bus left nottingham around 7.20 am and the journey took about 3 hours.

did i tell you how lovely and supportive my other housemates were?..the night before, chief irina made us cheese cakes so that we could eat them on the bus, motherly maryam heated chicken wings on the next morning for our breakfast.(owh, bless them..) oh lupe nk bagitau, since we woke up quite late that morning, i called a cab to pick us up from the house to the bus stop which is about 7 mins walk (pemalas kan?..haha)..pastu, tgh rushing2, in the cab, halfway, animated anis realised that she wore kitchen flip-flop instead of sneakers. screaming shockingly, which almost made the cab driver died of heart attack,the driver had to turn back to our was sooo hillarious..

disebabkan bangun lambat gak, we didnt put any make up and had to do make up on the bus. what an experience..(kene la make up, mane tau kot2 terjumpe jodoh, hahaha...)

an hour before reaching Bath, we stopped at Stonehenge. menarik gak la although i had very little appreciation on things like this..hehe..batu-batan jer was damn freezing, my teeth kept chattering non-stop tapi anis mantained je..siap unzipped lagik die nyer bubble jacket..anyway, we took a few pics (not bothered taking too many pics sbb tanak kuarkan tangan...sejukk kott!!)

sampai je kat Bath, we performed prayer and had lunch (nasi+ayam oreng+ tomyam)..sedapppp...tapi makanan sgt sejuk...anyway, after we splitted up, me and anis went to roman baths was aamaaaaazing, SubhanAllah...i'd really want to briefly write about its history tapi cam malas sket, so maybe next time..hehe. after that, we went to Jane Austen Centre, yes the infamous jane austen who wrote sense and sensibility, pride and prejudice, and many more.the centre has a lot of her letters which were written to Cassandra (jane's sister), and pictures. her books are also available in the centre.

we spent more or less 4 hours in Bath before boarding the bus and went home, arriving in nottingham at aproximaly 8 pm.