Josh Radin
I fell in love with this guy's voice after listening to this song.. nice song, nice melody, amazing voice...worth to hear!
sorry Mika, you become the second now =p
and below is the MV of I'd rather be with you
listen to my music 2
Posted by
on Monday, 19 April 2010
things I love and enjoy
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Normal vs Abnormal?
how can we say that something is normal if we haven't come across into the abnormal ones?
that was just a thought..(tibe2 terfikir waktu on the way balik rumah tadi)
oh ye, tadi dapat sedikit pengisian daripada sister Fullah.. sangat menarik bile dia naikkan isu ini:
situasi 1:
Doktor jumpa seorang pesakit yang sakit sebab makan makanan tak sihat (nak bagi obvious, kita bagi contoh racun yang sedap lah). Lepas tu doktor bagi ubat kat pesakit tu untuk 'treat' dia. tapi lepas tu pesakit gi makan balik racun, pastu sakit, datang balik minta ubat racun itu. doktor pun terpaksa lah merawat pesakit itu dan menyediakan ubat. banyak lah duit NHS yang habis untuk kos ubat dan rawatan walhal 'treatment' yang sebenar-benarnye hanyalah dengan tidak makan racun itu.
situasi 2:
Doktor jumpa seorang wanita yang berumur 18 tahun yang datang untuk mengugurkan kandungan atas alasan dia masih muda, tidak berkahwin, teman lelakinya baru sahaja meninggalkannya dan kandungan itu adalah 'unwanted'. oleh sebab itu, doktor pun menandatangani 'the blue form' yang membolehkan wanita itu menggugurkan kandungannya. Selepas itu, doktor itu terpaksa menghabiskan masa berjam-jam untuk menerangkan segala jenis alatan pencegah kehamilan yang ada di muka bumi ini supaya perempuan itu tidak akan "termengandungkan" lagi 'the so-called unwanted child'. bukan itu sahaja, atas sebab polisi NHS, doktor itu terpaksa pula memberi bekalan kondom dan pil pencegah kehamilan kepada wanita itu secara percuma. betambah pula beban NHS bila mana 'treatment' sebenarnye hanyalah dengan tidak melakukan zina.
bezanya dua situasi di atas, doktor dalam situasi 1 dianggap 'incompetent' dan boleh dipecat kerana tidak menjalankan tugas menasihati pesakit 1 untuk tidak memakan racun dan hanya menghabiskan duit NHS manakala doktor situasi 2 dianggap 'judgemental' jika menasihati pesakit 2 untuk tidak berzina. Doktor situasi 2 boleh juga dipecat jika tidak memberikan maklumat secukupnya kepada pekasit 2 tentang cara-cara mencegah kehamilan yang berkesan.
bukankah dua situasi ini sama sahaja yang mana rawatannya adalah pencegahan akar umbi..
What A Nice Day (part II)
Posted by
on Sunday, 11 April 2010
AA dan housemates,
things I love and enjoy
Comments: (1)
remember when I wrote that I couldn't afford to go out in my previous entry..
a few hours after publishing that entry, I went out to town.. ekekekekeke =p
but hey, mind you, I didn't buy many things, just 2 books for my little brothers.. I'm sure they will like them..
at night, me and su went for a movie in Savoy cinema. we watched 'the clash of the titans'..sigh~~ it was such a bad movie although I might give credits to the action-packed scenes in it..
on Saturday (which was yesterday)
I went out again..hihi..and it's the whole day from 9am-7pm. ekekekkekekee
Fiqa, Irina, and I went to Alton Tower Theme Park..wicked!.. the rides were crazy, the queue was never-ending, but the scenery, mashaAllah, magnificent! we managed to ride the oblivion, the rabbit-floating, rita, and the nemesis which was the most intense ride in the world! they were craaaaaazyyyy!!!!
we ended the day with dinner at KFC, together with the other house mates.. it was so much fun since I couldn't remember when was the last time all 8 of us went eating out together..
I think that's all for now..I feel sorry for breaking up the promise I made.. but yeah, it's Easter holiday and it's spring! I think I deserved a break..ha!
p/s: which reminds me, tomorrow is Monday and my Easter break will be over in a few more hours.
p/s/s: the KFC is halal and it's located at Alfredton Road in Hyson Green =)
p/s/s/s: click the highlighted words for more info! =)
What A Nice Day
Posted by
on Thursday, 8 April 2010
AA dan life
Comments: (3)
the title says it all...
my messy study desk (meraung minta dikemaskan =p)
at last, the sun comes out today..he's been a shy lad for a few days.. is very tempting to go out, enjoying the sun, indulging the breeze..
the answer is no...huuu...I can't afford to go out today... my revision plan is still falling behind, my money is 'ciput'---------> thanks to 2 pairs of shoes, an mp4 and its skin case, a new body shop lip gloss and a tube of concealer...uwaaaaaaaaaa... in addition, I'm still in my pink pyjamas...
so..lupakan je la...let's go back studying..
listen to my music
Posted by
on Tuesday, 6 April 2010
things I love and enjoy
Comments: (2)
hi folks..
I just found out that Jason Mraz did another version 'Lucky' featuring Ximena Sarinana. Furthemore, it's in spanish with a little bit of english here and there..
Since I couldn't embed the video due to copyright issues, you can watch it here!
not-so-called holiday
Posted by
on Monday, 5 April 2010
AA dan life,
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It's been long time...hihii..nothing much to say really..I'm in the middle of Easter break which is only a week (too much for a medical student aiye?)
anyway, we are not going anywhere during this holiday..the reasons are:
- no money equals to no funding
- no time equals to exam in 6 weeks time
- plus an acquired condition called m.a.l.a.s...ever heard of it?
okay, let's go back to studying..