naaayy.. I mean the MTAS application..wonder how will it turn out...??
hehe..k..tu je..
p/s: how many times did i type 'random' in this entry?
so..sekarang ni..I..
in conclusion
AA is in dire need of food, heat, sleep, and human contact!
k..roger and out!
p/s: ops..just for the record- when i said i'm lonely and in need of human contact..i meant family, friends, and housemates..bukan anasir2 lain...blergh..
p/s/s: ala...kabel tak bawak..tak leh tunjuk gambar snowing kat mansfield..
the picture below shows the most common type of acne - black/white heads ataupun nama saintifiknya - open/closed comedones (lepas ni kalau orang tanye boleh cakap, "what, these?..oh, they are just comedones" bestkan?..hehehhe) what causes acne?
TIDAK..TIDAK..SAMA SEKALI TIDAK. The 3 points above DO NOT cause acne...i saje je wat drama..hehe.mereka hanyalah mitos belaka (fuh, lega!), disebar oleh golongan2 yang dengki dengan orang cantik yang suka makan coklat dan makanan berlemak muahahaha..
Yang sebenarnya, dragon ball ade 7 biji kesemuanya..eh tak..acne is caused by an increase in the sebum excretion rate resulting in the abnormalities in follicular keratinisation and desquamation. this area of follicle is then colonised by bacteria called Proprionibacterium acne causing inflammation.
The inflammatory lesions can be erythematous papules (biji2 merah), pustules (biji2 bernanah), nodules (biji besar merah, berdarah atau bernanah), cysts (ape malay translation die ek?) and abcesses (ni pun i tak pasti bm nye translation, gomenassai..)
Biasenya, acne resolve by themselves, with a few exceptions in which severe ones do need intervention and medical treatment. some examples of bad acnes can be viewed in the photos below:ni gambar jerawat2 merah (erythematous) yang ada nanah sekali. blackheads can also be seen all over the face.
ini pula kes jerawat yang parah dan memerlukan rawatan intensif (kes berat ni..kalau kat UK ni, budak laki yang ade jerawat camni siap boleh bunuh diri tau..due to depression and very low self-esteem).
the above and the last picture shows a woman with acne scars.
How do we treat acne
but bear in mind that these drugs have side effects and some of them are even teratogenic (teratogenic=able to disrupt the growth and development of an embryo or fetus) so one must seek medical advice from doctors before commencing treatment. in addition, avoiding factors which aggravate acne will also help such as:
ok tu je..hope it helps!
p/s: gambar2 di atas bukan diambil dari jerawat AA. Sekian, terima kasih =p
which were already in my fridge since two days,..i also have cheese cake and curry from yesterday, today's pepsi, chicken rice, and fruit pie - all stacked in the fridge!
how am i gonna finish everything alone?
main concern is.........
to be honest..
i don't really hate mondays..at least not every monday in a year..i do like a few mondays..especially when:
i don't really have any grudges towards monday ;-p
was i born on monday?
p/s: daddy, where art thou?..you havent called me this week..or have u?..the thursday you called..was it this week or the previous..hoh..anakmu ini dah tue!~~