did i tell you how lovely and supportive my other housemates were?..the night before, chief irina made us cheese cakes so that we could eat them on the bus, motherly maryam heated chicken wings on the next morning for our breakfast.(owh, bless them..) oh lupe nk bagitau, since we woke up quite late that morning, i called a cab to pick us up from the house to the bus stop which is about 7 mins walk (pemalas kan?..haha)..pastu, tgh rushing2, in the cab, halfway, animated anis realised that she wore kitchen flip-flop instead of sneakers. screaming shockingly, which almost made the cab driver died of heart attack,the driver had to turn back to our house..it was sooo hillarious..
disebabkan bangun lambat gak, we didnt put any make up and had to do make up on the bus. what an experience..(kene la make up, mane tau kot2 terjumpe jodoh, hahaha...)
an hour before reaching Bath, we stopped at Stonehenge. menarik gak la although i had very little appreciation on things like this..hehe..batu-batan jer pun..it was damn freezing, my teeth kept chattering non-stop tapi anis mantained je..siap unzipped lagik die nyer bubble jacket..anyway, we took a few pics (not bothered taking too many pics sbb tanak kuarkan tangan...sejukk kott!!)
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