
since fiqa has already explained about this tagging-chain thing..hehe..kene la wat gak..( malu sendiri bile teringat betapa bodohnye soklan ku kepada fiqa pasal tag2 nih..)

anyway, 7 things about we go

1. i love EATING!...i have big appetite for a size 8 girl..hehe, thankfully, i didnt gain weight weight-watching is never a problem.

evidence: i still remember when we (nott's malaysian medics) went out for a buffet dinner, there was this senior( rahasia), he was so awed with my eating ability..he said, "i've never met a small girl who can eat so much! was that ur 6th round already(referring to my plate of noodle)?"...ouch ok!..hehe..but yeah..nothing can stop me from eating..ermmm..maybe handsome guys can cos i tend to be very reserved, very polite in front of handsome guys..ahaks

explanation: i was and am still brought up by a man who loves to eat and cook...MY FATHER!!! mase kecik2 dulu...asal mengamuk n merajuk jer..mesti tanak makan (konon protes la..hehee) pastu ayah mesti cakap..."kalo tak makan sebelum pukul am/pm, aku tak mengaku anak, jgn mintak ape2 lagi ngn ayah!..."..mase kecik2 kene gertak, bile dah besar kalo tanak makan, ayah mesti merajuk..kalo ayah merajuk,nanti sampai 4 hari pon die ungkit kisah silam betapa susahnye hidup zaman dulu2..aish,memang tak bes ;-p ... LUV IM

2. shopping is my second fav hobby..maybe window shopping is more appropriate hehe

evidence: can ask anyone who knows me ;-p..dear friends, am i shopaholic?..mungkin tu dulu.. skang ni dah tak kot...dok hibernate je kat umah..


3. some people said i'm a happy-go-lucky person..but i just think that i can hide my problems really well..i rarely show my true feelings/emotions..and i like being tough,err i guess....

evidence:..this is just what people say and think...this evident is not verified...hoho

explanation: no comment

4. up until now, 2003 remained the toughest year in my life

evidence: not available

explanation: this was the year when i lost my other half, my love, my everything...i was like a stray cat, lost...( that kind of feeling is really2 NOT NICE...tak yah la cite lebih2, nnt terbuai2 lak) yeah..i didnt like that year..but deep inside my heart, i know, Allah will not give something that i cannot bear..

5. i always want to meet takuya kimura and marry him...muahahahahaahaha

evidence: be it long vacation, beautiful life,pride, change..u can ask me everything about his drama.. EVERYTHING!...mase form 2 dulu siap gi pinjam buku jepun-english kat pustaka sekolah, belajar sebut name dalam bahase jepun..kot2 terjumpe ngn kimutaku..

'atashi no namae wa asma desu' *peace*

explanation: makin lame, makin tue, makin matang..makin kurang la 'kegatalan' terhadap kimutaku...tapi...erm just in takuya: if ur wife dump u, pls come and see me, then we could get married!!

6. i like pink. do not fancy blue colour.

evidence & explanation: not available

7. i have to sleep at least 8 hours per day!

explanation: i cannot function properly without my 8-hour sleep...but it doesnt have to be consecutive..hehe..orang slalu tanye..nnt bile keje, on calls,camne?..haah..camne eh?..tape2..i'll deal with that by one..step by step....!


i guess that's all...hehe, tibe2 teringat kat hannah montana yang nyanyi 7 things tuh.

as for tagging-link thing, i'll leave it for while. will update this entry when i decide whom to tag after this..hehe

p/s: to 3rd year medics in notts,..esp housemates, gud luck in REM's tomorrow aite? hehe


fiqah said...

1. i always want to meet takuya kimura and marry him...-->same la kite asmaa! i kasi chan kat u laa..xile3..i pengapit pwn bolee..hehehe

2.i like pink. do not fancy blue colour.--->evidence: 1st room on the right,1st floor, 36 beeston rd. explanation: the evident explains it all!aite?


AA said...

i luv u soooooooo much!!! u memang memahami laa...

1. i know..(ehem2)..i know why u want to voluntarily back out..ehem2..but yesss..tenkiu..i accept ur blessing..hahaha...kalo jadik nnt i panggil u..jadik bridesmaid!

2. buat gaye u sikit....NO COMMENT!...muahahahahaha

Tertipu lagi... said...

hallo damselindistress,
ape ni semua orang minat hero jepun. hero melayu kan ramai je.. eizlan yusuf ke, norman hakim ke, awie ke, nak yang single, hurm... yusri kru, farid kamil ke... ape pon all the best for esok!

AA said...

oh fairuz rupenye...

"hero melayu semua lembik!".(quotation dari haliza misbun) bukan damselindistress yang kate tau..tehehe

trime kaceh..btw, exam tu susah giler..penat menembak..adeih..

Anonymous said...

asma..ko kena bayar komisyen kat aku sebab aku yang promote blog ko kat fairuz. haaa!

AA said...

hoho..time kasey la pi'e..(ekeleh, mcm la aku suh ko jadik promoter aku)...

p/s: damselindistress adalah seorang yang ber'wasatiah..hehehe

Anonymous said...

8. gossiping is by 3rd fav hobby...hahahah

9.i'm a super-good cook

AA said...

hahaha...tak leh la letak yang nombor 9 tuh...nnt karang tak jadik le wasatiah dah..hahaha..

as for number 8, i thought that was u...(verified by Norehan)..haha