having said that, right after the oh-not-so-nice i.e damn hard REM paper, i straight away went to town...shopping! a.k.a asma's ultimate relaxation therapy...bought a ROXY JACKET..yeay2!!
i came back at around 6pm..then, housemates (excluding irina, maryam, suraiya), myself, fiqa, pi'e, wawa, faz, sin wee, duo ying, alifah, and fiqry went out for dinner at big wok
outside the restaurant...from left: wawa, fiqa, alifah, duo ying, faz, myself (note the new green jacket bought earlier kehkeh), anis, pi'e. at the back: fiqry
this pic was taken after the dinner..(gaye melekat di dinding)...time kasih la pi'e..terpaksa tahan ngn kitorang yang memang camera addicts nih......
i really had fun!..cant wait for ex-chaletmates from ireland to come over tomorrow...nnt bleh gi enjoy lagik..haha
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